martes, 27 de marzo de 2007


My presentation

Hi, my name is Merielis but everybody calls me Meri. I’M from Maracaibo originally. I’M 19 years old. I estudy Mas Media at URBE. I live in Maracaibo, in primero de mayo.
I love music, surfing the net talking on the phone whit my friends, pizza, chocolate, my family.
I hate onions, violence, war, injustice and washing the dishes.
My dream is to travel aroud the world, visit the Eiffel tawer in Paris of course.I want to graudate from Mas Media school. Buy a house, get married and star a family.
My opinion about English is what is very important. I need to practique more.

2 comentarios:

karenkatiusca dijo...

hello friends you is very good congratulations

kenneth dijo...

i love this girls